Souk Mann

Faculty Member

Souk Mann Faculty Member

Souk Mann

Nationality: Cambodian

Qualifications: MBA in Accounting and Management from Yokohama National University, Japan and BBA in Management (Premaster de BBA de Gestion) from Royal University of Law and Economics

Courses taught: Faculty Member

He has worked for various international organizations both in the private and non-profit sectors. Currently, he is one of the team members who is assisting the government in opening Cambodia’s first securities market. One of his academic papers was recognized as among the two best papers for Maxwell School in 2007.

He was the author of the assessment report on the impact of Ketsana on commercial and industrial sector, commissioned by the World Bank. He also wrote a report on Economic Diversification for Cambodia, commissioned by UNDP Colombo. He was recognized by Phi Beta Delta Honors Society and Golden Key International Honors Society for his outstanding academic achievements.

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