Academic Council
Academic Council
Subject to the decisive responsiblities of the Director, the Academic Council shall exercise the following functions.
General Statement of Responsibilites :
- The Academic Council (hereinafter referred to as "AC") is responsible for upholding high academic standards and applied curricula that address the needs of the 4.0 Industrial Revolution, emerging economy and business startups.
Specific Responsibilities of AC are to :
- Uphold high academic standards through monitoring and evaluating the implementation of existing curricula.
- Establish and oversee Curricula Committee (CC) at each Academic Department Level. Curricula Committee, under the leadership of the Dean of the department concerned, is responsible for conducting thorough review of existing curricula, and developing new programs/curricula.
- Ratify review of existing curricula and endorse new programs/curricula.
- Make recommendations to Director pertaining to the opening/launching of new academic programs.
The Academic Council shall have the following responsibility and duty :
- Meet every semester to review and approve the study program or curriculum drafted by each Department
- Revise or develop the curriculum when necessary
- Monitor and evaluate the implementation of curriculum
- Be tasked with other duties agreed upon by the Council
Appointment :
- Director, LSi Business School, shall appoint all the members of the Academic Council.
Meetings :
- AC meets three times a year and relies on strong participation of members to ensure effective conduct of academic business.
- Every Semester, AC shall meet to evaluate the curriculum implementation.
Extra-ordinary Meetings :
- AC may hold certain extra-ordinary meetings in a year such as with LSi Alumni, or Industry Representatives, when necessary.
Decision Making :
- All decisions are made with a majority of the present members in the meeting (50+1).