Library Services
Library Services
Library Working Hours :
Monday - Friday : 7:45am -- 8:00pm
Saturday : 8:00am -- 5:00pm
Closed : Sunday & Holidays
General Policy :
- Register the names on sign-in sheet
- No food and beverage, except water
- Speak Quietly
- Keep conversation to a minimum
- Turn off ringers on cell phones
- Wear your student ID card LSi Staff ID card with you when you enter the library
- Be responsible for the security of your own property. The Library is not responsible for personal items that are lost, stolen, or damaged on Library premises.
- Check your belongings before leaving the library
- Do not take any book or other library material out of the library without following the borrowing procedures
- Large groups that want to visit/tour the Library are required to obtain permission in advance
- Never write in books/materials or cut pages out of them
- Put the books/materials on the table after reading
- Photography and recording are not allowed on Library premises without prior permission.
Borrowing Policy :
- Present a valid LSi Students/Staff ID Card
- 5 material maximum can be checked out
- Loan period is 14 days
- Materials can be renewed for 14 days
- Check in/out materials during library working hours
- Make sure to return the borrowed materials by the due date
- No new loans will be permitted until overdue materials are returned
Fine Policy :
- One day late is 500Riel
- Borrowing privileges will be suspended for 3 months (90 days) if borrowed materials are 30 days overdue
- A current replacement cost for each Library material must be paid if the material is lost or damaged beyond repair
Computer and Internet Use Policy :
- The Computer in the library is meant for searching the library database and the internet only.