Bonarin Hem


Bonarin Hem Director

Bonarin Hem

In the name of the faculty, administration, and staff I am really delighted to welcome you to LSi Business School, located in the Capital City of Phnom Penh, to get to know you and to help you succeed in your educational journey. It is my privilege to lead such this outstanding higher education Institution -- an English speaking and learning environment where we make utmost efforts to create a better future for you.

LSi Business School has taken significant steps in pursuit of academic excellence. Some of the specific steps taken include recruitment of highly qualified Cambodian and expatriate faculty with global perspectives, designing and undergraduate English-based program in SME Management, implementing fully the credit system, and intergrating an overseas study trip required in the program.

In the fast changing national and global economic environment, Learning for Success Institute has been striving to bring global perspective to all its programs and activities; you at the Institute will find exceptional experiences that allow you to grow and develop, explore new interests, and fully realize your potentials in entrepreneurship. Producing career-ready graduates has always been central to our commitment; through a process that includes career exploration and professional preparation, we will get you involved in career paths and foster the skills and mindset needed for professional advancement.

In other words, you will have a clear career direction and the confidence needed for success in your chosen field. At the end of your study, when you walk across the stage as a graduating student at the commencement, you will have more than just a degree from LSi Business School. At LSi Business School, you are the most important person; we produce opportunities for you to grow, inspire you to achieve your goals, and create a great learning experience, which will help you to broaden horizons and challenge assumptions.

Finally, your decision to attend LSi Business School will mean more than earning a degree and by educating you, LSi Business School will become a better place and a stronger higher education institution.

Bonarin HEM,

LSi Business School, Video

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